CD „Animato“
Jasmin Kolberg spannt mit ihrer ersten CD „Animato“ einen enormen musikgeschichtlichen Bogen. Mit Werken von Johann Sebastian Bach über Claude Debussy bis hin zu zeitgenössischen Kompositionen wie Astor Piazzolla, Gordon Stout, Keiko Abe und einer Eigenkomposition demonstriert die Künstlerin außerordentliche Differenziertheit und musikalisches Feingefühl. Begleitet wird sie dabei von den renommierten Künstlern Michael Sanderling, Eric Sammut, Marta Klimasara und Jürgen Spitschka.
Solistisch präsentiert sich die internationale Preisträgerin in ihrem Debütalbum vor allem in den virtuosen Werken von J.S. Bach, Keiko Abe, Gordon Stout und Michael Burritt. In Kompositionen mit der Stilrichtung World Music bereichern die Klangfarben der Percussionsinstrumente Kalimba, Djembe, Rainmaker und Vibraphon die Produktion.
Eine empfehlenswerte CD. Nicht nur für anspruchsvolle „Percussion-Insider“ sondern auch für den audiophilen Musikliebhaber.
CD bestellen [>>>]
Claude Debussy | 1 | Dr. Gradus ad Parnassum |
Eric Sammut | 2 | Rotation II |
Gordon Stout |
3 4 | Two Mexican Dances Allegro (Sempre legato) Allegro |
Johann Sebastian Bach | 5 | Fuge aus Sonate g-moll für Violine Solo (BWV 1001) |
Michael Burrit |
6 7 | aus Caritas Solemn Majestic |
Michael Tournier | 8 | Promenade à l’automne |
Astor Piazzolla | 9 | Tango Nr. 1 aus Tango Suite |
Johann Sebastian Bach | 10 | Variation Nr. 19 aus Golderberg-Variationen (BWV 988) |
Keiko Abe | 11 | Variations on Japanese Children’s Songs |
Johann Sebastian Bach | 12 | Invention d-moll (BWV 775) |
Matthias Schmitt | 13 | Ghanaia |
Johann Sebastian Bach | 14 | Fuge C-Dur (BWV 952) |
Jasmin Kolberg | 15 | Kalimbob |
Claude Debussy | 1 | Dr. Gradus ad Parnassum |
Eric Sammut | 2 | Rotation II |
Gordon Stout | Two Mexican Dances | |
3 | Allegro (Sempre legato) | |
4 | Allegro | |
Johann Sebastian Bach | 5 | Fuge aus Sonate g-moll für Violine Solo (BWV 1001) |
Michael Burrit |
6 7 | aus Caritas Solemn Majestic |
Michael Tournier | 8 | Promenade à l’automne |
Astor Piazzolla | 9 | Tango Nr. 1 aus Tango Suite |
Johann Sebastian Bach | 10 | Variation Nr. 19 aus Golderberg-Variationen (BWV 988) |
Keiko Abe | 11 | Variations on Japanese Children’s Songs |
Johann Sebastian Bach | 12 | Invention d-moll (BWV 775) |
Matthias Schmitt | 13 | Ghanaia |
Johann Sebastian Bach | 14 | Fuge C-Dur (BWV 952) |
Jasmin Kolberg | 15 | Kalimbob |
Eric Sammut: Vibraphon (Improvisation) (2)
Michael Sanderling: Violoncello (8)
Jürgen Spitschka: Marimba und Bongos (9), Djembe (13, 15), Percussion (15)
Marta Klimasara: Kalimba und Percussion (15)
Arrangements for Marimba: Jasmin Kolberg (1, 5, 10, 12, 13, 14)
Produced by Kolberg Music Productions 2001/2010 (LC 91870)
Recorded by Adrian von Ripka
Art Direction & Design by Jogi Hug
Mastered at Bauer Studios
October 2003 Percussive Notes (USA)
Although relatively new on the solo marimba scene, Jasmin Kolberg brings superb talent matched with delightfully contrasting repertoire into an elegant mix of pure enchantment coming fron the solo marimba. A native of Stuttgart, Germany, Jasmin includes 15 compositions on Animato including “ Dr. Gradus ad Parnassum“ by Claude Debussy, „Rotation II“ by Eric Sammut (…)
Given the fact that Jasmin has had the aforementioned opportunities for study and that her familiy is musical (Kolberg Percussion), she has made the most of her timings in percussion throughout her 29 years.
Of unique interest on this CD is „Rotation II“ with Eric Sammut on vibraphone and Jasmin on marimba. The warmth and lyricism of Jasmin’s marimba performance permeates each work on this CD. There always seems to be an underlying passion that provides the thread of unity throughout the CD. Also performing on this CD are Michael Sanderling, cello, Jürgen Spitschka, marimba and percussion, Marta Klimasara, kalimba and percussion.
Kolbergs’s own composition „Kalimbob“, provides an earthy conclusion to this superb recording. Beginning with ocean drum and kalimba, Jasmin’s marimba performance evolves into frenzy of magnificent ostinati, which encapsulates her vibrant energy and feeds off the accompanying musicians. If you’ve not heard of Jasmin Kolberg, buy this CD. If you have heard of her, this is a delightfully entertaining and dynamic recording – well-worth having in your personal library
Jim Lambert
March 2003 Stereoplay
Klassische Perkussionisten haben es schwer. Wenig althergebrachte „Original“ – Kompositionen, dafür viel neutönerisches Abschreckungsmaterial. Stimmt längst nicht mehr: Vom Jazz, aus Südamerika und Ostasien inspiriert, ist den Klöppelkünstlern längst eine Menge Brillantes in die flinken Finger geschrieben worden. Und sie greifen auch selbst zur Feder, um Altmeisterliches auf ihre Instrumente anzupassen. Wie die exzellente Marimbaphonistin Jasmin Kolberg, ausgebildet bei den besten Adressen ihres Fachs und ganz offensichtlich ein echte Könnerin. Das zeigen nicht nur ihre vier Bach-Bearbeitungen, sondern auch das klug gewählte Rest-Programm ihrer Debut-CD. Sie wiedersteht der Versuchung, nur ein virtuoses Feuerwerk abzubrennen, sondern begeistert mit herrlich variablem Spieel, da die vielen Facetten ihres mal schwebend-impressionistisch, mal knackig-präzis klingenden Instruments bestens zum Ausdruck bringt. Und dank ihrer Partner kommen noch genug weitere farbig-phantasievolle Sound-Varianten ins Spiel.
Lothar Brandt
September 2001 Percussion Creativ Newsletter by Gordon Stout
CD – Tipp
ANIMATO – JASMIN KOLBERG. It is with great honor that I tell you my
impressions and feelings about this new CD. I was immediately impressed
with the incredible sound of the marimba on this recording, and sense
that there is a wonderful aura and depth of musicianship and artistry
being presented.
What an amazing musical treat it is to hear Jasmin Kolberg and Eric
Sammut collaborate on this now famous composition – Rotation II. Their
performance is simply stunning. Finally there exists a recording of my
Two Mexican Dances that is not only played perfectly, but is also
inspired musically. She plays them with a simplicity and clarity of
sound and vision that is wonderfully refreshing.
The same clarity, vision and sound properly lead us through the process
of the great Gm Fugue of Bach. Her musicianship always pays homage to
the musical content, without a trace of excessive and unnecessary
bravura or emotion. In all the performances of Bach’s music on this
CD, there is impeccable voicing, attention to voice leading, and
flawless playing with great class and musical taste. She emerges out of
this CD as a sophisticated interpreter of the music of Bach.
In Burritt’s Caritas, which is an intensely personal and expressive
composition, Ms. Kolberg again shows us the true depth of her
marimbistic, musical and expressive powers. You should be convinced
that this CD contains some of the most beautiful marimba sounds you have
ever heard. Jasmin Kolberg produces deep and very strong sounds
without ever being harsh or brittle. Her sense of variety of accent and
articulation is great!
The Tournier composition certainly leaves us wanting more, and there is
a wonderfully balanced and blended sound between the marimba and cello.
The duo performance of the Piazzolla is as good as exists, showing a
great deal of sensitivity and the ability to shape one section into
another to create a whole. There is also a driving, exciting and
brilliant performance of Schmitt’s Ghanaia. Ms. Kolberg’s composition
Kalimbob has great depth, power and intensity, which bring this most
exciting CD to a close.
If I were to say that Jasmin Kolberg’s ANIMATO should receive a Grammy,
some people might think I was not being serious. But they wouldn’t know
how much I love the marimba – and this CD. Thanks, Jasmin!!
Gordon Stout
July 2001 PRINZ Stadtmagazin Stuttgart
Eine Klassik für sich
Das Marimbaphon sieht aus wie ein großes Xylophon, zum Tragen braucht man mindestens 3 Leute und zum Spielen benötigt man vier Klöppel. Das klingt nach Stress. Doch weit gefehlt. Wenn Jasmin Kolberg spielt, dann klingen Stücke von Debussy oder Bach plötzlich ungewohnt sphärisch und entspannend. Ihre neue CD „Animato“ könnte daher sogar denen gefallen, die bislang nur wenig mit E-Musik anfangen mochten.
July 2001 Neue Württembergische Zeitung
Lebendiger Klang
„Animato“ ist der Titel einer CD, welche die Uhinger Marimba-Spielerin Jasmin Kolberg mit ihren Freunden (…)eingespielt hat. Und der Titel ist tatsächlich kennzeichnend für das Spiel der jungen Musiker. Ob es sich um Bearbeitungen von Werken von Bachs oder Debussys handelt oder um originale Kompositionen (…), stets wird die lebendige Intensität hörbar mit welcher die Künstler zu Werke gehen und aparte Klangzaubereien sondergleichen entfalten, eben „animato“.
Hans Herdeg
»I was very impressed with the entire recording. The percussion community has needed a recording of Eric Sammut’s marimba music for some time now, and your effort more than filled this gap! Your playing is expressive and the tone and sound quality is excellent. Congratulations on an beautiful recording! Bravo!«
Mark Ford
University of North Texas, Past President – Percussive Arts Society
»Jasmin Kolberg’s first solo disc ‚Animato‘ – a really impressive first album! I’m sure we shall hear a lot more from her – I look forward to following her progress.«
James Holland, former Principal Percussionist BBC, London
»Although there are many marimba CD’s available, at my house, most of them only get played once. Jasmin Kolberg’s is a refreshing change — solid musicianship and a beautiful sound — a marimba CD you can listen to again and again.«
Leigh Howard Stevens
»Thank you so much for your CD. Everything is artistically done and I love them all. The repertoire is a delightful change from so much being recorded today. I’ve E-mailed M. Burritt and told him how beautifully you played Caritas and how much I like the work. Bravo to both of you. Also, the best performance of Mexican Dances I’ve heard since Gordon.
All your support cast are special. Mind if I critique everything? The Debussy was wonderful and the Piazzolla was so fluid and musical – the stopped notes make me smile every time I hear them. Congratulations!«
Robin Engelmann (Nexus), Canada 2001